Agents engaging in a training program that requires an exam  receive a set number of attempts to complete the exam to satisfactory standard. The standard for completion is set by the carrier of the program. These Plans also determine the amount of attempts an agent will receive to complete the exam. Please note that once an exam is opened this counts against the agent's set number of attempts.

Miramar:Agent does not determine the attempt amounts provided and cannot reset attempts on behalf of an agent. This also applies to retakes. When an agent expends all available attempts to complete an exam unsuccessfully, reinitiating the exam in order to complete the program would require a retake. retakes are determined by the Program carrier and not all carriers provide retakes. Retakes for an exam must be approved by the carrier as an Administrative action and are not controlled by Miramar:Agent. 

To confirm if your Program offers retakes, it is suggested that you reach out to your upline or agent support for clarification on this issue.