Summary of Issue What's Happening Impact
DISABLE Commissions integration New Commissions system integration temporarily disabled. No impact for current users.
Workflow Progression Tracking Bubble Styling Display change for program succession to make tracking progress simpler from a visual perspective. Users will see checkmarks to denote the completion of steps in their program progression.
Add history of document reviews UI change to record and display document review history. No impact for current users.
Prevent writing codes from being reused even if currently unassigned Monitor new writing codes being set and ensure they are not able to be re-used. Only applies to new ones Prevents future agents from receiving duplicate writing codes.
Hide passwords in application settings Application setting update to make sure passwords are hidden in ADMIN Admin users will see hidden passwords rather than actual clear text. 
Display NPN Number When Viewing As Agent Impersonate agent as service manager and plan manager - verify that top line with name also has NPN Plan managers will see Agent NPN when using the 'Impersonate' feature
Doc Review Denial Reason Addition Ensure new denial reason "Illegible Document" is available when performing document review No impact for current users.
Agent Account Profile for Agency Principal -  Update text for "Principal for an Agency?" Log in as an agent that is not currently a principal for an agency, go to Profile and ensure the text is updated as specified Agents will see updated prompt message for Agency Principle registry.
Sort Document Types by Upload (Create) Date Ascending Order for Plan Admin and Convey Admin Dashboards  Documents in Document Review are now be ordered by Upload Date Ascending (oldest first) No impact for current users.
Add Logging for Freezing/Unfreezing Programs View enrollments as a plan manager or service manager, clicking on the Status column value should display Enrollment History. Only applies to changes moving forward. You may also stop/start the enrollments to test that it is populated History log accessible for Plan and Service Manager users for frozen and unfrozen programs.
Track Change History of User Permission Roles Make changes to a plan manager role (such as permissions), save, then open and click "Toggle User Role History"  History of role and permission changes to users accessible at Plan Manager level.
Termination Validation for Active Appointments Updates to warning messages displayed for the termination of appointments New warning messages display with new options for appointment termination.
Profile Password Autofill Issues Go to profile to change password and ensure that it is not autofilled No noticeable impact for current users.
Program Enrollments, Training - Change to Descending Order by Default Program enrollments and training are now in descending order from enrolled date Visible change in the order of programs and training as displayed in list format.
Add second Reference ID field to Group setup and add to reporting Verify new field is available in group setup and reporting No impact for current users.
Sometimes when freezing workflows, receive message "Unable to pause the workflow" Ensure freezing workflows returns message of request being processed rather than error message even if status is not updated right away No impact for current users.
Track pending group change even when bypassing group change request Update job execution logic to check if [PendingChangeGroupId] matches the new group for the job executing  Agents will no longer accidentally end up with multiple group affiliations for the same plan.